Medi Peels

We perform a variety of skin peels at Fraser Clinic. They are an excellent way of improving your skin tone and texture.

Medi Peels stimulate change in the skin without disrupting healthy skin to make change happen. It’s a common misconception that professional peels must always be aggressive to achieve quantifiable results through excessive shedding, scabbing and downtime.

Chemical peeling is basically an accelerated form of exfoliation induced by the application of a chemical agent such as Retinol, Alpha and Beta Hydroxy acids or other organic compounds.

Chemical Peeling creates beneficial changes in a number of ways

  • induce a faster shedding of the outer layer of skin and promote skin renewal through new cell growth
  • increased cell turnover
  • production of collagen and elastin is stimulated
  • dermal and epidermal hydration is increased
  • epidermal pigment is lightened
  • skin feels tighter and smoother

Pigmentation, fine lines and dull lifeless skin can be transformed through a series of professionally selected and applied MediPeels. Optimal results need to be supported by a customised skin maintenance program. Some peels require a 2 week pre-prepping time with professionally selected skin treatment prior to the peel.

Professionally administered chemical peels are a comprehensive and effective tool to improve skin quality.